
Start ’em Young. Sewing Classes for Children.

Sewing classes for children are an important part of my class programme.  I learned to use a sewing machine at age 7. So I’m committed to the belief that children should all learn to sew when they’re very young (girls and boys!)

This week at Artisan Stitch, I held one of my  sewing classes for children, or rather for children and their parents ( to qualify you had to be under 16 and bring your Mum).  Attending were Sophie, aged 9, and Libby aged 12, with their Mums Jen & Jackie.  Both girls threw themselves into the lesson with enthusiasm and completed their sewing practice sheets, then both passed their Sewing Machine Driving Tests with distinction.


Autumn-Winter sewing classes

My schedule of Autumn-Winter sewing classes is here, covering October and November. These include some more of my popular ‘Essential Skills’ classes, now re-named ‘Beginners’ Sewing Skills’. This covers basic sewing tasks like sewing straight seams and how to finish off the raw edges, taking up hems, making neat machined buttonholes, and inserting zips.


What Sewing Machine should I buy?

Buying a Sewing Machine

Buying a sewing machine is exciting but can be very confusing.   If you’ve had a look already, then you’re probably baffled by the huge range of makes and models out there.  Why are some less than £100 and others cost several thousands. Don’t thy all do the same thing? So you’ll be asking yourself ‘What Sewing Machine should I buy?’


Best Foot Forward – A Guide to Sewing Machine Presser Feet & Accessories

A Guide to sewing machine presser feet and accessories


Sewing machine presser feet are specialised for every sewing task and are designed to make your sewing easier.  If you don’t use the best foot for the job, then you’re making your life more difficult that it needs to be. When you got your new sewing machine home, did you eagerly unpack it and start sewing, wondering what the bag full of strange little metal and plastic thingies were for? Well these are your sewing machine presser feet. And have you got them out and used any of them since? Or have you struggled on, wondering why the fabric was pulling and puckering?


Generation Hop

Generation Hop

This sewing class shows a generation hop. Here we have 14 year-old Sophie and her Gran (14 years plus), learning to make a fold-up tote shopping bag.  This was Sophie’s first ever sewing project and she thoroughly enjoyed it. Sewing is an activity that can be undertaken by everyone, and truly spans the generations, as evidenced in this photo.


Get to Grips with Zips

One of the most tricky things to do in sewing is putting in zips – but once you get to grips with zips, they’re not that bad. As my Tuesday evening regulars agreed last night, whatever you want to make – a skirt, trousers or dress, you need to put in a zip.  Here they are getting to grips with zips.  Everyone agreed that they’re not so difficult after all once you know how!
Get to grips with zips - How to sew in zips - a pile of brightly-coloured zips
How to insert a zip – zips aren’t so scary when you know how to sew in a zip

Get to the Point! How to choose the best sewing machine needles.

How to choose the best sewing machine needles.

Sewing machine needles come in an assortment of types and sizes. Using the correct needle is important to achieve a successful outcome to your sewing project. The wrong size or type of needle can cause breakages of either needles or thread. Uneven or skipped stitches, and snags or holes in the fabric are also symptoms of the wrong needle. You should choose your needle firstly according to the purpose/project, the fibre-type and fabric construction, then the fabric weight.


Are you practising Safe Sewing?

How to practice safe sewing.

Are you practising safe sewing? If you’ve been using a sewing machine for a while and are completely comfortable with them, it’s easy to be blasé. But remember sewing machines are electrical devices and are potentially dangerous. You could also cause damage to your machine by incorrect use.

ARe you practising safe sewing?  Health and safety gear - hard hat, boots, goggles and gloves
Protective safety gear!