Textile workshops

Textile workshops

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Scrappy Patchwork & Quilted Cushion - Friday 14/03/2025 - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

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Sewing isn’t just about taking up hems! These Textile workshops are a fun way of discovering what else you can do with fabric and stitching. Textile art sounds a bit stuffy and elitist, but I’ve created these workshops especially for people who don’t have any art training. They don’t even need expert sewing skills, sophisticated sewing machines, or specialist equipment either. Learn how to make unique and personal work from things you already have lying around your house.

Free-motion embroidery is a basic textile art skill which can be used in so many crafts. Or find out how to use those fabric scraps and re-purpose old clothing in ‘Rags to Riches’. You’ll be amazed at the gorgeous embroidered new fabric you can make in just a few hours.

If you’d like to learn some Hand Embroidery, then I have ‘slow stitching’ workshops  to teach you a few simple stitches while you spend a relaxing day in mindful practice.  ‘Vintage Embroidery’ uses vintage linens, lace, old photographs so you can create a beautiful wallhanging in honour of a special person in your life, or to remind you of a special time.

Learn new useful skills suitable for mixed media artists and crafters, textile artists, quilters. Regular embroidery and recyling courses. Creative and fun!

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